Friday, October 10, 2008

APIARY - Lost In Focus

Lost In Focus
Metal Blade Records

Unleashing a steady, suitably consistent brand of tech-core on their self-produced debut album, Apiary offer a decent first look into their chaotic creative mindset on “Lost In Focus.” Sound-wise, the outfit resembles something of a concoction of Converge, Paria and Meshuggah, aggressive, disjointed and possessing intense amounts of instrumental proficiency.

The major downside here is that the vocals are quite one-dimensional, an aspect that tends to not match the music during certain occasions. When the band plows into a lurching chug during “Descent,” the vocals are a fantastic match for the musical atmosphere, but during the album’s more progressive moments, it would be nice to hear the singer open up and explore different types of techniques. In particular, the drumming is noteworthy as complex jazz patterns meet blunt thumping and the scalar guitar runs are often quite impressive. “Omnipresence” shows the band at their best, hinting at a future potential to deliver mind-expanding progressions on a larger scale. When this track breaks down into a loose, jangling jam, the dynamic nature of the band is readily apparent. As the sharp, angular riffs return to batter the listener’s aural faculties, it’s quite easy to project this group as being one to keep a close eye upon in the future.

If you’re the type of metal fan that eats up anything that melds gruff, barking vocals with transcendentally chaotic musical structures, you’ll likely find much to enjoy on this initial offering from Apiary. Tracks like “Bliss In Vain” and “Extract” offer a lot of opportunities for karate-chop mosh action. If that’s appealing to you in the least, then “Lost In Focus” certainly deserves your attention.


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